
I broke down...

Hey ladies!

A few updates on my personal challenges:

I bought some products lol. I just couldn't resist. The first product that I bought was the Aphogee 2 Minute Keratin treatment. I honestly had no choice, I needed something that would restore the protein bonds in my hair. Yes the egg treatment that I previously posted about did work. But I'm extremely sensitive to smells and I did smell the egg in my hair days after I did the treatment which made me really self conscious. But I would recommend doing that treatment for anyone who isn't sensitive to smells like myself. I did use this apogee product and it worked amazing. I noticed a dramatic decrease in the amount of hair in my comb after I detangled it. So I'm actually glad I broke down and bought the product lol.

My second product purchase actually just happened less than 15 mins ago! I went to sephora to get a few things for my face and skin. As I browsed around the store I happened to spot the Coral's Daughter collection. First off, I had no idea Sephora even carried Coral's Daughter let alone her NEW product line. So when I found it I was super excited and just couldn't contain my impulse!! I bought the sulfate free shampoo, conditioner and hair mask from the NEW Monoi Repairing collection! The two ladies that helped me while I was in the store said that they absolutely LOVED the products in this line (one was caucasian and the other was Hispanic). I've heard nothing but great things about Coral's Daughter in general and I CANNOT wait to use these products in my hair!

My last update is that I must admit I have not kept up with my castor oil challenge. I've used my castor oil ONCE since I said I wanted to do the challenge. I've taken my biotin supplements everyday though which makes me extremely hungry and dehydrated at times but the side effects aren't unbearable. I researched whether biotin had damaging side effects and could not find one horrific side effect so I've decided just to continue taking them and just pack snacks and enough water to last me during the day. Research shows that snacking in between meals speeds up your metabolism anyway so I won't complain lol.

I believe that's all the updates for now! I plan to use the Coral's Daughter products on my mom's hair this weekend so I'll let you know the results.

Till then Toodles :)

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