
Product Overhaul.....

Ok...so I can admit that I've become slightly obsessed with hair products this summer! It's been quite an expensive obsession BUT I won't complain because I'm finding products that work for my hair and that don't. 

Last night I found myself browsing some blogs (this has actually become a regular routine for me lol) and came across Ayurvedic treatments for hair growth. I started to research Brahmi Oil and other treatments and found some intriguing info. So, today I went to my local indian grocery store and purchased:
Can you tell what my fav print is?? LOL
  • Ramtirth Special No. 1 Brahmi Oil: Is enriched with a combination of pure coconut oil and 22 selected Indian Exotic Herbs, which is known for the thereaupatic effects. Due to its powerful and effective Ayurvedic ingredients, this oil has proven to be beneficial for hair complaints and promotes the growth of long and lustrous hair.
  • Nyle Herbal Hair Oil: Its unique formulation combines the benefits of five time-tested herbs, like amla, Hibiscus, Henna, Fenugreek, and Veviter, with the goodness of Coconut Oil. "These herbs are placed in a porous tube and immersed in the oil enriched with extracts of Thistle, Indian Indigo, Five leaves chaste Tree and the above five herbs. Through the holes in the tube, oil percolates through the herbs and continuously nourishes with their essential goodness."
  • Dabur Vatika Olive Enriched Hair Oil: New Dabur Vatika Olive Hair Oil is an excellent hair oil for your hair. Contains Virgin Olive Oil and nourishing extracts of Almonds, Cactus, and Lemon. Complete natural nourishment for problem-free, beautiful hair. Almond coats, conditions, and softens your hair. Cactus - Gives your hair volume and health. Lemon - Regulates sebum flow and helps keep dandruff away.
How will I add these oils into my hair reggie??

I've decided to use the Brahmi Oil as my pre-poo....currently I dont have a pre-shampoo step in my hair reggie. So Im hoping that this will be a great addition to my regimen. Basically, I plan to oil my hair (root to ends) and massage my scalp with this oil either the night before my wash day (my wash day is sunday, so i would use this saturday night before bed) or a few hours before my wash....I decided to add this before my wash day because i'll be honest and say that im not very thrilled with its smell...it has an herb-like smell to it. After this pre-poo, I'll follow the steps as posted.

Both Nyle Herbal Hair Oil and the Dabur Vatika Olive Enriched Hair Oil will be added to my conditioner on all my co-wash days along with the other oils that I mentioned in my hair reggie post.

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